Friday’s Frame ~ 6 months

It’s hard being a parent.

It’s harder than most friends will admit and it’s harder than people make it seem on Facebook. It’s even harder than your own parents will say, mostly because the joy outweighs the tough times. Rightfully so, parents forget. I like to call it, “Momnesia.”

What happened, you might be wondering? Nothing in particular. Gracey is still a smiley (most of the time), happy (except when she’s not), beautiful (always beautiful), perfect (from Day 1) 6-month-old baby girl. She’s the light of our lives. She an angel from above. She’s the greatest gift God could give. But let me just say — it’s a journey.

Yesterday I took Gracey in for her 6-month checkup. As we were driving to the doctor’s office, she was babbling away. I told her this was going to be a fun appointment — no shots, no medicine, just a checkup. She clearly understood and gave me her super duper big, I-love-you-so-much smile. 😉

One hour, 20 minutes later, I was walking out of the office with tears in my eyes and a naked, hot, exhausted, crying baby in her car seat, complete with a Dora band aid wrapped around her tiny, adorable, pudgy arm, and instructions to make an appointment at Children’s Hospital to figure out why she refuses solid foods.

As some of you may know, Gracey doesn’t sleep well. While her (wonderful) pediatrician was checking her over, she noticed quite a few signs and symptoms of allergies. Inflamed nose and throat, creases under her eyes, eczema patches on her skin. So instead of blindly putting Gracey on an allergy medication, her doctor suggested we do some blood work to see exactly what she’s allergic to. No problem, I thought, never having seen blood taken from a 6-month-old …

First, let me say: The nurse was absolutely wonderful in “getting the job done.” One prick and a few minutes later, it was over. But imagine finding a vein in the chunky little arm of a 6 month old. I’m not sure how she did it. She even had the thought to sing a song to Gracey while she was filling the tubes. Bless her beautiful nurse heart.

When they left the room, Gracey cuddled into my neck, closed her tear-filled eyes and fell asleep on my shoulder, solely out of complete exhaustion. You know the feeling of bringing your car to the mechanic for an oil change and leaving with four additional “minor issues”? That’s how I felt. Except it’s not a car, it’s my baby.

So … yeah. In the interest of full disclosure, parenthood is never perfect. It doesn’t come half as easy as my photos of Baby Girl might depict. But I know I will miss these days when they pass. Heck, I already do.

And now, what I’ve been waiting weeks to say … I’M ON VACATION!! Yippeeeee! I’ll be responding to all messages and emails on July 5. Have a great Fourth of July, everyone! 🙂


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