Friday’s Frame ~ Seething

I had about a month of reprieve. One solid month where I thought to myself, “I got this.”

Gracey was starting to gain her independence and become a bit less needy. I could walk in and out of the room and she’d entertain herself for a solid 20 minutes — time enough to do the dishes or brush my teeth without interruption! (Heaven.)

Screeech. Put on those brakes, Mommy. Our tiny Angel Face decided it was time to throw us for a loop.

A week shy of her 5-month birthday, a cruel little truth happened. I guess they call it teething. Or is it seething.

As a first-time parent, my knowledge of these things is, well, limited. “Teething,” I thought to myself. “Oh yeah, it’s when they suddenly grow all their teeth!”

Ha. Joke’s on you, Mrs. NewMom. There’s nothing sudden about it. These teeth grow one at a time. (Sometimes two if you’re “lucky.”) And once they start breaking the gum, it takes daaaaaaays. We’re going on a week since her first tooth has been somewhat visible.

The first day was pretty exciting. Tommy and I marveled over our growing Baby Girl. “Somebody call the Tooth Fairy! Put that guy on standby!” he joked.

By Day 2, the fussiness set in. Fussy as in, waking up five times a night. Holy deja vu.

I emailed my mom and asked, “How long does this whole teething thing last? Forever?”

She wrote back and said, quite simply, “Unfortunately, teething takes awhile …… Love, Mom.”

THUD. (That’s the sound of my head hitting the desk.)

So today, I will grace you with a pic of our lovely little teething Gracey. 🙂 This is the face I’ve been given all week. Who knew I could love pure crabbiness so much?

(More on this adorable dress a bit later …)

Tomorrow, I’m off to shoot the lovely wedding of Theresa and Andy at Pier Wisconsin (can’t wait!). I have a chidren’s session on Sunday, and then on Monday, it’s time to relax and enjoy some family time!

Have a safe and happy Memorial Day weekend. 🙂


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