Friday’s Frame ~ Family and (maybe) 50 degrees

The sun is shining today and the boys are going on seven weeks! 🙂 I’m beginning to see a bit of fun brewing in their personalities. They are starting to lift their heads and take in their surroundings. I think they are *considering* the whole smile thing (we see it coming when Tommy tickles Sam’s chin). They’re eating well … and at night, when I’m not in the room, I’m certain they talk about which one will cry first and wake mommy. 🙂

As the boys continue to grow, I’m realizing more and more how truly thankful I am for family.

Without help from our family members through the beginning of this crazy twin journey, I’m not quite sure any of us would have survived. 🙂

I had grand intentions and the greatest of visions of doing it all on my own. I then realized I didn’t have four hands and the ability to never sleep. Family members have been there for Tommy and I every step of the way.

It’s the phone call when I most needed to talk, it’s the Grandma Time when I just needed a shower, it’s the Papa Time when I desperately needed a nap, and it’s the Auntie Time when Gracey simply wanted a play partner. “It might reach 50 degrees on March 21st,” my sister-in-law said to me this morning as we chatted on the phone. I had to pause and laugh. That’s weeks away and probably totally inaccurate, but also the reason I love her dearly. She knows the thought of 50 degrees might just help me push through a few more snowy days — the idea of warm weather is all it takes to lift my mood.

Here are a couple recent photos of our angels this week — I look at their sweet faces and realize it may be harder than usual these days, but we’ve never been more blessed.


Playing ball and giggling with Grandma and Aunt Ellen.


Snuggling on Papa’s chest (he had a fussy dream) …


Gracey saying, “Goodnight baby brothers” after bath time and prayers.


Thanks for stopping by, friends. Have a great weekend!


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