A billion birthday kissies.

One year old.

We made it. 🙂

One year ago today, we met the love of our lives. It was the absolute best day — a day I’m not quite able to express with words. It was the day we realized what love truly is — my heart became a million pieces instead of one.

One piece of my heart for her first breath, one for her first smile, one for her first owie. A piece for her kisses, a piece for her hugs, a piece for when she snuggles into my arms. A piece for her tears and a piece for her giggles. One piece for her first steps, and one for her first day of school. A piece for her first disappointment, and a piece for her first broken heart. A piece for the day she realizes how much we’ve loved her all along.

Why is parenting so hard, people ask? The sleepless nights — sort of. The cries you can’t console — sometimes. The world you can’t control — yes. But what truly makes it hard, as in oh-my-gosh-my-soul-is-going-to-explode hard, is the love. Your heart is never again your own. Life and the depths of your love are forever changed.

Happy 1st Birthday, Baby Girl! We love you soooooooo much. A million hugs and a billion kissies. xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

(Check back soon for some pics from her birthday party … it’s THIS WEEKEND!) 🙂


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