I shared the story of his big brother, Logan, nearly two years ago, and now, it’s Anderson’s turn. I love you, sweet little nephew. You are my newest, most adorable snuggle buddy.
As I put my own babes to bed a few weeks back and headed off to Froedtert for the birth of my brother- and sister-in-law’s second child, I couldn’t help but think through how much has changed in the past two years. I now have three children and they soon would have two. We’ve been through a lot these past few years. You know, becoming parents and all — being totally overwhelmed at times, yet totally in love. I simply couldn’t ask for better family (and friends) to raise our kids alongside. As the years pass, we get to know each other a bit deeper, the laughs (and tears) flow a bit more freely, and to be quite honest, Logan and Anderson’s births are memories for me that will last a lifetime.
A couple weeks before Anderson was born, we took a few photos of Big Brother Logan. He’s the coolest kid, this guy.
Logan was fast asleep when his brother made his entrance into this world, but I have no doubt he sent all his superhero powers to his mama … I mean, giving birth can’t be easy but if there’s any way of making it look entirely natural, Sarah has it down.
Here is the story of your first breath, sweet Anderson.
Auntie Katie
Sarah packed a comfy bath robe. Mike packed Mountain Dew.
Sarah was reading the news. Or watching The Millionaire Matchmaker. I’ll never tell.
Dr. Mike is in.
As I knew she would, Sarah did an amazing job working through each contraction. These moments are so fleeting and oftentimes, never captured nor remembered. Anderson, your parents loved you (and each other) immensely, before you were even born.
Sarah laughs, all the time. But this is Sarah’s best, “I’m not in the mood for laughing” smile. 😉
Anderson came quick. There was virtually no waiting. Thank goodness the doctor had time to get into the room. 🙂
What an amazing precious little angel, with the fullest head of hair and the longest, cutest fingers and toes.
The first thing I noticed when he was placed in her arms was the most loving way she rubbed his cheeks … it instantly calmed his cries.
Hi buddy, you’ll be seeing a lot of this camera in the next 18 years.
Melts my heart.
Anderson Robert Gardner
1:41 a.m.
8 pounds, 10 ounces
21 inches
Thank you, Sarah and Mike, from the bottom of my heart. It means so much to me to have family who truly understand the power of documenting moments. Congratulations on your beautiful boy! xoxo