Friday’s Frame ~ Gracey’s BFFs

I’m convinced Gracey actually believes the little animals hanging from her crib mobile are her friends. It’s ADORABLE.

There’s nothing sweeter than waking up to the sounds of your baby talking in her crib (especially after spending the past 4.5 months waking up to her cries …). She has her own little language, filled with words, coo’s, giggles, and even her own way of “yelling.” It’s absolutely precious.

About a month ago, Tommy and I bought her a new crib mobile. It was one of those nights where I was desperate to solve her pacifier issue. We went from store to store in search of this particular mobile — I felt that if she had something else (like, a soothing mobile) to associate with sleepy time, she’d become less and less dependent on that dang nuk. Tommy is big on reading reviews, and the mobile we were searching for had about 899 five-star reviews. Well, turns out all those reviewers were right! Gracey loves it. It has a projection feature — images project on the canopy for the baby to see. And what baby wouldn’t smile at those oh-so-happy animals hanging from the sides? It’s basically Disney World in a crib.

Some of you may be wondering whether this pacifier-breaking plan actually worked. Honestly, I’d give it a thumbs up. We decided not to break her of the pacifier cold turkey, but simply try and help her become less dependent on it. When I can tell she’s getting sleepy right before her nap times, I put her in her sleep sack and lay her down in her crib underneath the mobile. I turn the mobile on, give her the pacifier, and within 10 minutes, she’s sound asleep. I try to only use the mobile during nap times, and it’s working! We don’t use it at bedtime — I rock her to sleep with the pacifier in her mouth and then I take it out when she’s sleeping. This all has been working pretty well for us — it’s not a miracle fix, but last night was a milestone! For the very first time since she was born, I went to bed when it was still light out, and I woke up when it was light out (yes, the next day). Granted, it may have been 5 a.m., but still! I couldn’t believe she slept a solid 8 hours through. 🙂

The blog was very busy this past week, so in case you missed it, check out the beautiful downtown Milwaukee wedding of Christine and Thomas, as well as some newborn photos of Kellan at just five days old.

One last thing: Happy Mother’s Day to all the amazing moms out there, as well as the moms-to-be! Take the day off to relax and simply enjoy your children — Lord knows we all deserve it. 🙂


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